2001-09 - Web services and XML technologies Resources / tutorials |
2002-03-06 - Affichage d'un document XML dans une page Web 3 Techniques (Data Binding HTML - DOM - XSLT) |
2001-09-28 - Transfer binary data in an XML document Three ways to encode and decode binary data for embedding within an XML document |
2002 - The Birth of XML A Personal Recollection |
2002-03-20 - JSP-XML Data Duality |
2002-02-19 - XML in Java: Java document model usage A look at how different XML document models work in Java |
2002-02-12 - Embed binary data in XML documents three ways Using XML for data transfer between B2B applications |
2002-01-31 - Tip: The txt2dw utility Converting ASCII text to XML |
2002-01-23 - XML for Data: Modeling many-to-many relationships |
2001-11 - Eliminate tedious programming: Recover data with XML and Reflection Automate ResultSet parsing using XML and Reflection |
2001-12-12 - Advanced UI Design Using XML and XSL - Part 5 Progress Indicator Creation |
2001-11-29 - Advanced UI Design Using XML and XSL - Part 4 Folder Tree Drag and Drop |
2001-11-13 - Advanced UI Design Using XML and XSL - Part 3 Folder Tree Administration |
2001-09-27 - Advanced UI Design Using XML and XSL - Part 2 Custom Context Menu Creation |
2001-09-21 - Advanced UI Design Using XML and XSL - Part 1 Folder Tree Creation |
2001-12-07 - Comment l'Université de Marne la Vallée gère sa base documentaire avec XML |
2001-11-15 - Code Generation Using XML Based Document Transformation |
2001-11-20 - Panorama XML : des Web Services aux dialectes XML métiers (Seconde partie) |
2001-10-16 - Panorama des dialectes XML (première partie) |
2001-10-15 - RDF deviendra t-il la couche sémantique du Web? |
2001-05-10 - XML en six questions |