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XSL - eXtensible Style Language

Extensible Stylesheet Language. An important standard that achieves several goals. XSL lets you:
  • Specify an addressing mechanism, so you can identify the parts of an XML file that a transformation applies to. (XPath)
  • Specify tag conversions, so you convert XML data into a different formats. (XSLT)
  • Specify display characteristics, such page sizes, margins, and font heights and widths, as well as the flow objects on each page. Information fills in one area of a page and then automatically flows to the next object when that area fills up. That allows you to wrap text around pictures, for example, or to continue a newsletter article on a different page. (XML-FO)

Source : Site de Sun / XML Glossary

Voir aussi :
XSLT - XSL Transformations
XML - eXtensible Markup Language

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