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JSP and XML - Full chapter

Chapter 12 from Professional JSP 2nd edition

This chapter is written by Casey Kochmer and Jayson Falkner and is taken from Professional JSP 2nd Edition published by Wrox Press Limited in April 2001 XML and JSP are two important tools available in producing a web application. This chapter examines the potential of mixing these two technologies in order to enhance the capabilities of JSP. While this chapter will cover many things about XML, this chapter will not attempt to teach XML. Instead it focuses on how JSP and XML can be used together as a highly flexible and powerful tool. In general the usage of XML in these examples will be kept simple and should cause no problems for users who are starting XML.
In short the chapter will be broken down into five main sections:
  1. quick look at XML
  2. An overview of Java-XML tools
  3. Focus on the DOM, JDOM and SAX
  4. Step By Step Tutorial
  5. JSP Documents

Source : Site Web
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