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Embedded / JavaCard

Historique Embedded / JavaCard :

The Java Card specifications enable Java technology to run on smart cards and other devices with limited memory. The Java Card Application Environment is licensed on an OEM-basis to smart card manufacturers, representing more than 90 percent of the worldwide smart card manufacturing capacity.
There are several unique benefits of the Java Card technology, such as:
  • Interoperable : Applets developed with Java Card technology will run on any Java Card technology-based smart card, independently of the card vendor and underlying hardware.
  • Secure : Java Card technology relies on the inherent security of the Java programming language to provide a secure execution environment. It was designed through an open process, and the platform's proven industry deployments and security evaluations ensure that card issuers benefit from the most capable and secure technology available today.
  • Multi-Application Capable : Java Card technology enables multiple applications to co-exist securely on a single smart card.
  • Dynamic : New applications can be installed securely after a card has been issued, providing card issuers with the ability to dynamically respond to their customer's changing needs.
  • Open : Java Card application developers benefit from object-oriented programming and design, and have access to off-the-shelf Java development tools.
  • Compatible with Existing Standards : The Java Card API is compatible with international standards for smart cards such as ISO7816, or EMV. It is referenced by major industry-specific standards such as Global Platform and ETSI.

Source : Site de référence

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Site de Sun / JavaCard


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