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JAI - Java Advanced Imaging API

Programmation Java

The Java Advanced Imaging application programming interface (API) enables developers to easily incorporate high-performance, network-enabled, scalable, platform-independent image processing into Java technology-based applications and applets. By using the inherent stengths of the Java language, Java Advanced Imaging extends the concept of 'Write Once, Run Anywhere' to image processing applications.

The Java Advanced Imaging API provides a set of object-oriented interfaces that support a simple, high-level programming model which allows developers to manipulate images easily.

Packages Java (jdk 1.4)

  • java.beans : The JavaBeans component model for reusable, embeddable software components.
    • java.beans.beancontext : Additional classes that define bean context objects that hold and provide services to the JavaBeans objects they contain.
  • java.io : Classes and interfaces for input and output. Although some of the classes in this package are for working directly with files, most are for working with streams of bytes or characters.
  • java.lang : The core classes of the language, such as String, Math, System, Thread, and Exception.
    • java.lang.ref : Classes that define weak references to objects. A weak reference is one that does not prevent the referent object from being garbage-collected.
    • java.lang.reflect : Classes and interfaces that allow Java programs to reflect on themselves by examining the constructors, methods, and fields of classes.
  • java.math : A small package that contains classes for arbitrary-precision integer and floating-point arithmetic.
  • java.net : Classes and interfaces for networking with other systems.
  • java.nio : Buffer classes for the New I/O API.
    • java.nio.channels : Channel and selector interfaces and classes for high-performance, nonblocking I/O.
    • java.nio.charset : Character set encoders and decoders for converting Unicode strings to and from bytes.
  • java.security : Classes and interfaces for access control and authentication. Supports cryptographic message digests and digital signatures.
    • java.security.acl : A package that supports access control lists. Deprecated and unused as of Java 1.2.
    • java.security.cert : Classes and interfaces for working with public-key certificates.
    • java.security.interfaces : Interfaces used with DSA and RSA public-key encryption.
    • java.security.spec : Classes and interfaces for transparent representations of keys and parameters used in public-key cryptography.
  • java.text : Classes and interfaces for working with text in internationalized applications.
  • java.util : Various utility classes, including the powerful collections framework for working with collections of objects.
    • java.util.jar : Classes for reading and writing JAR files.
    • java.util.logging : A flexible logging facility.
    • java.util.prefs : An API to read and write user and system preferences.
    • java.util.regex : Text pattern matching using regular expressions.
    • java.util.zip : Classes for reading and writing ZIP files.
  • javax.crypto : Classes and interfaces for encryption and decryption of data.
    • javax.crypto.interfaces : Interfaces that represent the Diffie-Hellman public/private keys used in the Diffie-Hellman key agreement protocol.
    • javax.crypto.spec : Classes that define transparent representations of keys and parameters used in cryptography.
  • javax.net Defines : factory classes for creating sockets and server sockets. Enables the creation of socket types other than the default.
    • javax.net.ssl : Classes for encrypted network communication using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
  • javax.security.auth : The top-level package for the JAAS API for authentication and authorization.
    • javax.security.auth.callback : Classes that facilitate communication between a low-level login module and a user through a user interface.
  • javax.security.auth.kerberos : Utility classes to support network authentication using the Kerberos protocol.
    • javax.security.auth.login : The LoginContext and related classes for user authentication.
    • javax.security.auth.spi : Defines the LoginModule interface that is implemented by pluggable user-authentication modules.
    • javax.security.auth.x500 : Utility classes that represent X.500 certificate information.
  • javax.swing : Swing classes for GUI.
  • javax.xml
    • javax.xml.parsers : A high-level API for parsing XML documents using pluggable DOM and SAX parsers.
    • javax.xml.transform : A high-level API for transforming XML documents using a pluggable XSLT transformation engine and for converting XML documents between streams, DOM trees, and SAX events.
    • javax.xml.transform.dom : Concrete XML transformation classes for DOM.
    • javax.xml.transform.sax : Concrete XML transformation classes for SAX.
    • javax.xml.transform.stream : Concrete XML transformation classes for XML streams.
  • org : Interfaces from ORG
    • org.ietf.jgss : The Java binding of the Generic Security Services API, which defines a single API for underlying security mechanisms such as Kerberos.
    • org.w3c.dom : Interfaces defined by the World Wide Web Consortium to represent an XML document as a DOM tree.
    • org.xml.sax : Classes and interfaces for parsing XML documents using the event-based SAX (Simple API for XML) API.
      • org.xml.sax.ext : Extension classes for the SAX API.
      • org.xml.sax.helpers : Utility classes for the SAX API.

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Sites de référence

Site de Sun / JAI


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