aspectJ - Aspect-Oriented Programming

Crosscutting objects for better modularity

AspectJ is a seamless aspect-oriented extension to Java that enables the modular implementation of a wide range of crosscutting concerns.

AspectJ is
  • a seamless aspect-oriented extension to the Java™ programming language
  • Java platform compatible
  • easy to learn and use
  • freely available under an Open Source license
AspectJ enables :
  • the clean modularization of crosscutting concerns such as error checking and handling, synchronization, context-sensitive behavior, performance optimizations, monitoring and logging, debugging support, multi-object protocols
AspectJ release includes
  • a compiler, structure browser, debugger, and javadoc extension
  • IDE support for Eclipse, Emacs, Forte and JBuilder
  • a tutorial, development guide, programming guide, and examples

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