
Regular expression check (Gratuit)

Application qui permet de tester directement le résultat d'expressions régulières.

The Regex Coach is a graphical application for Linux and Windows which can be used to experiment with (Perl-compatible) regular expressions interactively. It has the following features:
  • It shows whether a regular expression matches a particular target string.
  • It can also show which parts of the target string correspond to captured register groups or to arbitrary parts of the regular expression.
  • It can "walk" through the target string one match at a time.
  • It can simulate Perl's split and s/// (substitution) operators.
  • It tries to describe the regular expression in plain English.
  • It can show a graphical representation of the regular expression's parse tree.
  • It can single-step through the matching process as performed by the regex engine.
  • Everything happens in "real time", i.e. as soon as you make a change somewhere in the application all other parts are instantly updated.

Source : Site de l'auteur

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